Our Services
We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs
Assisted living communities are vastly different in the service provided, and how those services and amenities are delivered. At The Sanctuary of Geneva, we prioritizing employee retention and training, knowing that is what most directly impacts the quality of care and service delivered to the residents of The Sanctuary of Geneva. Keep reading for details on the services provided at The Sanctuary, and rest assured that all of these services are provided by qualified and appreciated Sanctuary team members.
Wellness Services
The Sanctuary of Geneva’s exemplary staff of nurses and caregivers provide compassionate and personalized care to residents, as they would their own family members. Our goal is always to keep residents healthy and happy, and provide their families with much needed peace of mind. Wellness services include:
24-hour nursing staff, with medication administration provided
24- hour caregiving staff to assist with personal care needs, such as bathing, dressing and grooming
State-of-the-art emergency call system
All care services are individualized, with collaboration between The Sanctuary’s team, the resident, their family, and health care professionals.
The Sanctuary’s four full time nurses have 127 years of combined nursing experience, and an average of 17 years tenure at The Sanctuary, with our most tenured nurse being employed since the day The Sanctuary opened in 2002. Sanctuary residents and family members take comfort in knowing who is caring for them day in and day out, and knowing that the nurses know them in return.

Recreation and Social Programs
Opportunities abound at The Sanctuary of Geneva for companionship, self-growth and fun. The Sanctuary’s full time social coordinator loves her job, which is to plan and implement a full calendar of events and activities designed to help residents stay active and healthy. Events take place in one of The Sanctuary’s inside social areas, or outside in The Sanctuary’s pavilion in the beautiful and spacious courtyard. Programs include, but are not limited to:
Exercise class: The Sanctuary’s exercise group is specifically designed to meet the variety of physical and cognitive needs within the group. All residents benefit from the organized group exercise experience.
Concerts and entertainment: The Sanctuary takes advantage of the entertainment network the local wineries have by hiring the same talent for mid-week concerts. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Games: Board games, card games, and the ever popular BINGO are always a much anticipated gathering time for residents. The residents are known to get a little competitive, but it is always in good fun.
Puzzles: Sanctuary residents love working puzzles together, and there are typically at least two puzzles in progress at any given time in Sanctuary common spaces.
Library time: The Sanctuary has a stocked library, with many genres and titles for residents to borrow and enjoy. Book clubs, reading groups, reminiscing and reflection groups regularly meet in the library area.
Movie time: The Sanctuary boasts a movie theater, complete with movie projector, screen, surround sound and red velvet curtains! Residents enjoy gathering together for movie night, and enjoy a variety of genres, new and old.
Spiritual Services
The Sanctuary is blessed to have the support of many local churches, whose pastoral and lay leadership teams provide church services at The Sanctuary. Throughout the years, The Sanctuary has also been blessed by residents who have led, and continue to lead, bible study and prayer groups. Group hymn sings are enjoyed by many residents, and residents enjoy the spiritual connections that they make amongst their new friends.

Dining Services
Sanctuary of Geneva residents look forward to meals in the Young at Heart Cafe. Mealtimes are a social time, served restaurant style in a relaxed and friendly environment. The dining service director and her team pride themselves in preparing home cooked meals, which are both nutritious and delicious.
Chef Special available at each meal
Sandwich special and 2 soup options always available at lunch and supper
Ala Cart options always available, offering plenty of choices and options, even for the pickiest eater
Menus developed and approved by licensed dietician
Beverage station available at all times
Dessert specials range from popular cakes and pies, to healthy fruit options
The soft service ice cream machine is a fan favorite
Salon Services
The Sunshine Salon at The Sanctuary of Geneva is a popular weekly destination. Sanctuary residents enjoy a full service salon experience without ever needing to leave The Sanctuary. Our licensed cosmetologist provides styles, cuts, colors and perms, for both men and women at The Sanctuary.
Residents also enjoy manicure services, provided by The Sanctuary's social coordinator.